What exactly is a bridge? A bridge is a dental restoration that is made of crowns that fit over the existing teeth with pontics (fake teeth) in between them to fill space from a missing tooth. After the teeth are prepared, an impression is taken and sent to the lab to be fabricated to match your existing tooth shape and color. The bridge is cemented over the prepared teeth with the replacement pontics fitting close to the gumline for a natural look.
Why should you consider a dental implant instead of a bridge? A dental implant allows a one tooth problem to stay a one tooth problem. Bridges require preparing the teeth on either side of the missing tooth that may not need restorations. An implant functions as a single tooth replacement that integrates with the jaw and is the closest thing to actual tooth replacement. A simple surgical procedure places the implant into the jaw. After the implant has integrated and healed, the implant can be restored with an abutment (connector) and implant crown for a completely natural look. Easier to brush and floss than a bridge, the implant can be a lifelong replacement while a bridge can be susceptible to decay like a normal tooth.